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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

iPhoto2gmail Plugin is a Great Productivity Tool for Photo Blogging

Introducing the iPhoto2Gmail plugin (http://iphoto2gmail.notoptimal.net/ ). 

This niffty app just reduces my time taken to upload dozons of photos onto my blog by more than half. In the past, I had to resize all my photos and upload them one by one to posterous using my Gmail account. There were also frequent encounters where my Gmail would be in a "still working" mode after a good 20 minutes and the 30 photos were still left humming in email. 

Using this iPhoto2Gmail app, I can just resize it with one click and immediately it will be sent to my Gmail account, ready for uploading. Wish there is a similar plug in for iPhone so that I can email multiple photos at once. By the way, they have the Apperture2Gmail app too. 

Posted via email from poohwinn's posterous

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