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Friday, December 26, 2008

Photoshop.com: Do I like it?

I tried out photoshop.com. Overall, I'm quite happy with the application. The interface is clean and easy to navigate. On the left side bar, you can find your photos or albums and the links to the 4 key sites - Picasa, Facebook, Flickr and Photobucket. You can open and edit the photos that you have saved on these sites within photoshop.com. After you have finished editing, you can click and drag the file into any of 4 sites or choose to download and save it locally on your hard drive. If you choose to download (see the menu bar at the bottom of the screen), you can save in different formats (original size, email/web size or thumbnail size). Making photo edits is simple for novice like me as Photoshop.com provides different selections, showing the range of effects applied on the photo. Generally speaking, Photoshop.com provides more options for photo edits compared to websites like Flickr. You can also choose to put together the photos in a slideshow format or create an album and allow access to friends by emailing them a URL. However, it's also lacking in some features such as geo-tagging and does not accept videos, unlike Picasa or Flickr. In addition, free user has only upto 2Gbp of storage space. 

Given the growing popularity of camera phones including iPhone, Photoshop.com should have a mobile site that is accessible via phone. It would be ideal if Photoshop develops a similar app for the iPhone, given that more and more people are using iPhone to snap and upload the photos immediately to their own blogs. In addition, Photoshop.com should also look into linking its site to other mobile photo or social-networking sites (which also means that Photoshop.com should have geo-tagging capability). 

If I were running Photoshop.com, I would look into partnerships in the infrastructure layer. Over time, I believe more features will be added to Photoshop.com, including the support for videos and eventually making it into a social networking site. To provide better user experience, Photoshop.com can look into partnering with players which could provide grid/cloud computing and data centre space as well as with handset makers for the mobile site tie-up (if Photoshop.com has a mobile site). Many handphones today are preloaded with applications for access to Facebook or Flickr. In exchange, Photoshop.com provides the eyeballs. To boost its awareness, it may be useful to get a few credible users as evangelists of the product (or perhaps have a twitter account). The site can also be linked to its forum page directly to encourage more interaction and exchange among the users.  

See the full gallery on posterous

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