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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Samsung Pixon M8800 : Short Video Overview of Phone. Buy the Phone if you like to take photos or videos. Read on...

This is my first attempt to upload an actual demo of Samsung M8800. I have been asked by some of the readers to include photos or videos if possible. So here is the first video on Samsung Pixon 8800. If you find the video useful, please leave me a note in the comment box so that I know if I should continue doing this in the future. 

I was mulling over whether I should upload the video together with my detailed review but I decided against it. I thought it would benefit some of you who are just interested to have a quick two minutes view of how the phone looks like and what are the key features and how is the user interface. In summary, this phone is great if you are really looking for a high megapixals camera (and yet a light weight one) and are interested to snap photos or videos on the fly and do simple video editing. In addition, it's music player, while not as great as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic

In the next part of the review, I would include screenshots of Samsung Pixon 8800 and run through the phone point by point. Do look out for it. Once again, if you find this video useful, please drop me a note in the comment box or send me a tweet @poohwinn. Thanks.

Click here to download:
Samsung Pixon M8800 Nov 2008.m4v (12960 KB)

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